My concerns about Riverview

My concerns about Riverview I'll be updating this over the next few days - trying to summarize what I know and links to information that have already published. For now, I just wanted to get this started to give everyone concerned a place to come for current information and to voice their concerns and indicate what they've already attempted to address the problems with the cemetery.

I can remember visiting Riverview as a little boy - most of my relatives are buried there. My great grandmother, great grandfather, grand parents & aunts and uncles and most recently my mother and father are all at Riverview. When my father was buried there in 1996 and my mother in 1999, the place still looked pretty good. The grass was mowed, there were a few flowers about and although it looked a bit tired, you don't really expect cemeteries to look vibrant now do you?

Unfortunately, procrastinator that I am, I never got stones for either my mother or father's graves. I know exactly where they are, but from what I understand I'm among the lucky ones. Many people do not know where their family members are buried and apparently cannot get access to the records from the current owner.

A recent posting on another forum indicated the grass was knee high and there are sink holes on the grounds. There was a hearing this week for a developer who is putting up condos adjoining the cemetery who wants to demolish the chapel which is said to be partially on his land.

The current owner purchased the cemetery a few years back, and from what I understand has been unable to maintain it. When I first read the report of Rev. Tom Davis purchasing the property, it sounded like a good thing - a neighborhood cleryman who would give those interred there the respect they deserved. What happened?

Soon after the cemetery was purchased I attempted to phone Rev. Davis. I left a message to offer my services to transcribe and put the records online. I received no response.

I'd like to hear from anyone who has contacted Rev. Davis, city officials, members of the community, etc. Tell us anything you can that you think might help.

Thanks -- Jim Gish

Friday, June 1, 2007

Why shouldn't the City take this on ?

I'm delighted that the major of the city of Wilmington is stepping in to cleanup the cemetery as reported in the 6/1/07 article listed below. However, I fail to understand his statement that

“I will not ask city taxpayers to take responsibility on a long-term basis for what is clearly a nagging and troublesome private property issue that happens to be within Wilmington’s boundaries,”

Why shouldn't the City takeover this community/city asset and give the neighbors and families and those buried there the respect that is due? I simply don't understand it. This cemetery has been an asset to the city for a couple of hundred years. There are former community & state leaders buried there as well as countless veterans and others who served our country and community in so many ways. Why is the major reluctant to take on this responsibility. I don't know the full history of the cemetery and how it happened to be in the hands of the Odd Fellows, and certainly don't know the current owner's motivation for taking it on and then failing to carry on with the responsibility of maintaining it. However, it seems like the only viable long term solution is for the City to own and maintain it so that it once again becomes a well-maintained asset for the common good for many years. That IS the very responsibility of government.

So, while I deeply appreciate the major's stepping up to cleanup the cemetery, I'd like him and others in the City to consider that this is indeed their responsibility as well as everyone's in the City. I'm certain that if my parents and so many others that I know who are buried in Riverview were still here to cast their vote, they would vote for additional taxes to keep Riverview a place of respect for everyone and a place of pride for the City.


Lo765263 said...

Riverview Cemetery Company was started in the 1870's It sold 200 outstanding shares of stock to various Odd Fellow and Knight's of Pythias Lodges in and around the City of Wilmington. As has happened with all fraternall organizations both have had consolidation due to falling membership until the stock was in the hands of 2 Odd Fellow Lodges and the KOP Grand Lodge of PA.Riverview never made money for its shareholders but was able to apy the bills until about 15 -20 years ago With the surrounding neighborhood falling into neglect and the opening of the Vets cemetery burials were less frequent until the cemetery ran out of money. The shareholders made contributions to the operating costs but that even became overwhelming until the bankruptcy and eventual sale to the church
There are other cemeteries in similar condition throughout the state this is not isolated the various government entities need to step up and help out in the case of riverview they share some of the blame.

Anonymous said...

Great work.